Author Archives: Imran Hanafiah

Revving Up Independence: A Cost-Effective Guide to Electric Wheelchairs in Malaysia

As Eko Life Malaysia continues to empower bicycle, ebike, and escooter enthusiasts across the nation, [...]

The Scoop on Second-Hand E-Scooters: A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Pre-Owned in Malaysia

As the e-scooter craze continues to sweep Malaysia, many are looking for ways to get [...]

Revolutionizing the Last Mile: How E-Bikes Are Redefining Urban Commuting

As cities continue to grow and urbanization becomes the norm, the last mile conundrum has [...]

Revving Up Safety: Electric Scooters Transforming Daily Rides in Kuala Lumpur

As the buzz around electric scooters continues to grow, Malaysians are increasingly embracing this eco-friendly [...]

Unlocking the Electric Bicycle Power: The Unsung Hero Behind Malaysia’s Electric Bicycle Revolution

As the world grapples with climate change and sustainability, Malaysia has been quietly revolutionizing its [...]

Gear Up for a Better Ride: Unraveling the Truth Behind Electric Scooter Prices in Malaysia

As Eko Life Malaysia continues to revolutionize the way Malaysians move around, one question has [...]

Elevate Your E-Bike Experience: Top 5 Must-Have Accessories to Unlock Thrills

Are you tired of feeling like your e-bike is missing that extra oomph? Do you [...]

Ride Smart with Electric Scooter: The Top Qualities You Should Prioritize in an Electric Scooter

As the world continues to shift towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, electric scooters [...]

The Best for Mobility: Electric Bicycles vs Electric Scooters – A Malaysian Perspective

As Eko Life Malaysia continues to ride the wave of popularity in the electric mobility [...]

Electric Scooters Charging Ahead: The Lowdown on Battery Quality in Malaysian Electric Scooters

As the electric scooter scene continues to buzz with excitement, Malaysians are embracing this eco-friendly [...]